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"Jaro" to demo przygodówki która zainspirowana była klasycznymi gami point and click a w dużej mierze grą "Teenagent".
Gra to także nostalgiczny ukłon w stronę lat 90-tych w Polsce.
Demo jest już dość wiekowe bo zrobione "naście" lat temu. Sam nie pamiętam kiedy zacząłem nad nim pracować. Niestety projekt nie cieszył się wtedy zbyt wielkim zainteresowaniem.
Dzisiaj wypuszczam demo dla wszystkich by nie siedziało dłużej na dysku, schowane przed światem.
Użyjcie pliku 'winsetup.exe' aby skonfigurować ustawienia video.
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Jaro PL (Win&Linux) 56 MB
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Nostalglem srogo :) Gram dalej!
Podziękował :D
Ten przy drzewie to Franko? :D
We własnej osobie.Choć nazywany "Franek" w grze.
no english ?
This is a Polish game, it was never translated to english.
I would have liked to play it too.
Never understand people who doesn't include english in their games, I always do it. Stay with your's, If you want nobody to play it ...
This demo was created about 15 years ago for the Polish adventure game community. I just decided to upload it here for preservation.
You could surely "Polish" it more if you would release it in English :D Excuse my bad pun ;) But seriously: with release only in Polish language, you leave 99% of the players out of your game.
The upload here is strictly for the archives, and for the Polish players (since it's a nostalgia Polish themed game which would make it even harder to understand for anyone else).
I understand where you're coming from, but I currently don't have the time to translate this old demo cause I have so many other projects I'm working on right now.
I don't say it will never happen though.
What-- you haven't learnt Polish yet?